Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Slavery: Old News or Relevant History?

I hope that you all found today's activity on slavery informative and eye-opening. But does it really matter that we study stuff like this? Some would question whether or not it is wise to dig up this awful part on our nation's history. Why not put it out of our minds and just move forward? I suppose we can ask that question about all of history. That would not be good news for a history teacher!

We've discussed how Southern plantation owners may have justified their involvement in the institution of slavery. A good case can be made that without slavery the economy of the Southern colonies - and later the Southern United States - would have crumbled. Howard Dodson, writing about the importance of slavery to the cotton trade in 1800s America, says "the slavery system in the United States was a national system that touched the very core of its economic and political life." He goes on to describe how the institution of slavery was interwoven into virtually every part of the U.S. economy at the time:

Each plantation economy was part of a larger national and international political economy. The cotton plantation economy, for instance, is generally seen as part of the regional economy of the American South. By the 1830s, "cotton was king" indeed in the South. It was also king in the United States, which was competing for economic leadership in the global political economy. Plantation-grown cotton was the foundation of the antebellum southern economy.

But the American financial and shipping industries were also dependent on slave-produced cotton. So was the British textile industry. Cotton was not shipped directly to Europe from the South. Rather, it was shipped to New York and then transshipped to England and other centers of cotton manufacturing in the United States and Europe.

As the cotton plantation economy expanded throughout the southern region, banks and financial houses in New York supplied the loan capital and/or investment capital to purchase land and slaves.

Recruited as an inexpensive source of labor, enslaved Africans in the United States also became important economic and political capital in the American political economy. Enslaved Africans were legally a form of property—a commodity. Individually and collectively, they were frequently used as collateral in all kinds of business transactions. They were also traded for other kinds of goods and services.

The value of the investments slaveholders held in their slaves was often used to secure loans to purchase additional land or slaves. Slaves were also used to pay off outstanding debts. When calculating the value of estates, the estimated value of each slave was included. This became the source of tax revenue for local and state governments. Taxes were also levied on slave transactions.

Politically, the U.S. Constitution incorporated a feature that made enslaved Africans political capital—to the benefit of southern states. The so-called three-fifths compromise allowed the southern states to count their slaves as three-fifths of a person for purposes of calculating states' representation in the U.S. Congress. Thus the balance of power between slaveholding and non-slaveholding states turned, in part, on the three-fifths presence of enslaved Africans in the census.

(from National Geographic News)

So were Southern plantation owners right? Was the future of the United States - and the survival of the colonies before that - critical enough to justify slavery? Obviously, we have decided as a nation - as late as it was - that slavery was an evil institution and a regrettable part of our past. So should slavery be remembered as a necessary evil? If so, then how can it we get past the fact that African slaves were forced against their will to be at the center of this horrible history.

Today you heard the horrors that Africans had to endure from the moment they were captured. Hopefully, for a few minutes you tried to put yourself inKunte's shoes - as impossible as that is.

So after reading above about how important slavery was to the economy of our country's early years and after considering what we heard and felt in class, how do you think the United States would be different today if the slavery in North America never existed? Would there have ever been a United States? Would the United States have been better off without slavery? If we decide that slavery was important enough to forgive early Americans for, then we should consider what Lincoln said:
Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.
That probably a good test to apply to ourselves whenever we argue for anything!!

Remember, keep your comments and debate respectful. Be thoughtful!!


Nataquack said...

I think it is important that we should know the good sides of America and the bad sides of America. I would definitely say that slavery counts as a bad part of America. I mean for Pete's sake, they counted a slave as three-fifths of a person! How cruel is that? I think it was a terrible thing to do to those humans, all it did was help a few people get rich. They could have grown something simple like wheat or something and not needed slaves.

Anonymous said...

Even though I wasn't in class Tuesday I have a few words to say.... I do not think slavery was nesscesary to make our economy succeed. There are other ways we could have gone about this other than trading and buying poor, innocent people. I think the slave owners didn't realize that every person is equal, noting that they didn't even consider the slaves to be actual human beings. They were considered animals or pets more than real people who have feelings and familys. The time of slavery, I would agree with natalie was a time that America is and should be ashamed of.

Anonymous said...

Well back then slavery was awesome for the colonists becuase the colonists didn't have to so much hard work becuase the slaves were doing it for them. So that means they dragged people from Africa in chains to come here and do white people's work. Which the white people didn't even think that they were actully people! So now as we think of it today, Slavery is a very cruel thing to do to people. But this reminds me of Martin luther King Jr. becuase he had the nerve to come up to tell all the people that he had a dream that all men are created equal and it doesn't matter by skin color ,race. or any other thing. But the main point is slavey is bad and it should not be repeated again.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Natalie that we shoule learn about slavery and that it was wrong but why have an American History class and leave out one of the most important things about our history. I also disagree because if you have a large plantation no matter what you grow you are still going to need extra help. I have a question for Charlie did they even have slaves in India or Greece. Slavery wasn't the bright spot in our history but it was still part of our history and we can't ingnore it. Today some people think they are better than other people because their ancestor might have been a slave.

Nataquack said...

Exactly right Sydney! We can't ignore that teeny tiny detail, it's what makes us who we are. Without slavery, we might not be here right now! But, it was terrible nevertheless. Think of all those slaves who were unnecessarily killed!

Anonymous said...

Natalie I'm sorry but I think you are wrong becase slavery was not something small it lasted for at least 250 years. I f we avoided it in American History that would be a big piece of our history that we are saying its not important or not worthy to be tought in school. Slavery was not teeny tiny. I do think you are right when you think about all of those slaves that were killed and for what: trying to stand up for what they believe in. That was wrong. Crystal was right if you think about all the movements and protests that Martin Luther King Jr. did and how if he hadn't done it because of whatever reason we may not have some of the advancements we have today. But still mabye a little over a century after slavery ended Martin Luther King Jr. was shoot because someone didn't want blacks and whites to be equal. Now back to the question, slavery is something that we can't cover up so I think that it is a very important piece of history and no one needs to ever forget it. Now i just reread Emily comment and do you really think that slavery helped advance our economy? I think we would still have the same things without all of those innocent people being killed.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ab Lincoln. You can't really understand slavery or absolute control usless you've gone through it yourself. If slavery hadn't have happened, we Americans might not understand that one human can't own another. I feel the plantation owners were on the right path, that they did need workers, but treating them like trash and beating them is just not fair. Sydney is right, if we hadn't gone through what we have, we wouldn't be where we are today. Yes, there's still much more to learn about civilization, but think about how we might be treated as kids today. We might be forced into work or something like that. Slavery was a TERRIBLE thing, but in a weird way, we kind of benifited from it.

tayc said...

I personally beleive that slavery was a terrible thing that happened in our history but I do beleive that it is an important part of our history. I agree with Emily that there could have been a different way to handle the feilds rather than force slaves to do it and torchure them on top of that. I also think that we shouldn't ignore the fact that slavery actually did happen even though it was terrible and wish it didn't. But we can't turn back time and make things better so we might as well live with the fact. The best thing we can do is learn about it, understand it (as much as we can), respect it, and learn from it.

tayc said...

I also agree with sydney that slavery makes us who we are today and if we the people didn't learn from it and take action like Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. different races would probably be trated differently or terribly like the colonists treated the slaves.(MABEY OR MABEY NOT AS BAD AS THE SLAVES ITS A SCARY FACT!)

Kira Sullivan said...

I agree with Taylor and Sydney. Slavery was a big part of our history and it played a big part in America today. Without slavery we would still be trying to get people to do our work and try to own other humans. I think that because of slavery we learned from our mistakes even though it was TERRIABLE thing to do. We could have resorted to other things and treated the Africans nicer but we didn't. We should have asked for their help and treated them like real people and gave them a nice living space but we didn't because we liked the power over human beings even though it was majorly wrong.

Anonymous said...

I'm not trying to say that slavery wasn't a bad thing or that it didn't really matter. What I'm trying to say is that slavery was an awful thing, but if we hadn't learned about it then, we'd probably still be making those same ugly decisions. I'd hate to immagine a world like that today.

Anonymous said...

There would be a USA, even without slavery, but maybe not a good one. Yes slavery should be remembered as a necessary evil because no one should be treated like that, but the was much learned from that lesson. If the United States would've been better off without slavery, I'm not sure. Yes it was an awful time, but we learned much. Of course it's important to learn about this type of history. Teddy Rosavelt once said, "The more we know about our past, the better prepared we are for the future."

Anonymous said...

I meant to say, "but there was much learned from this lesson".

Austin said...

I think the evil of slavery should be looked at more of a regretable lesson learned. If we wouldn't have learned that lesson then we would have to have learned it sometime else. It truly was horrible for slaves and I don't think in any way justifiable, but without slavery the United States wouldn't be the way it is right now. It would be a diservice to our country to just forget about we need to know what happen and build on it, so we never make that same mistake again. Many civilizations have failed but every time a new civilization starts they build off the others mistakes and become a better society. This is what we have done.

tayc said...

I agree with Austin I honestly don't think anyone disagrees with eachother I think we are pretty much on the same page about slavery (if you dissagagree with me please say so!) and even though it was a terrible thing it still played a HUGE role in our scociety today. It is very sad that still in some parts of the world there are some circumstances were people still treat other lower calss or different race paople terribly kind of like the the slaves.

Anonymous said...

Austin is right. He's saying what I've been pretty much saying. Taylor is right as well. It's sad to watch other counties make the same mistakes, but they will learn soon.

Kira Sullivan said...

yeah everyone is right!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Taylor is right the only way that we can learn and be better prepared for the furture is by learning from the past and making sure that it doesn't happen again. I disagree with Kira that if slavery hadn't happened we would still be trying to own one another, because it would have never happened and no one would have know about it. I think that Maria is wrong when she said that other countries will make the same mistake but they will learn. That is just like saying Cuba will learn that their sharing thing is wrong and that they will fix it but thats been going on for many years and no one has done anything about that.

tayc said...

Yes Sydney but we are HOPING they get the message soon for their own sake have some hope and stop being negative We are just saying it is a sad thing but mabey one day they will get the message!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't mean to be negative Taylor. I was just giving an example of a place that still hasn't learned from its mistakes.

Connor said...

I think that we should still be learning about the subject of slavery. This is not ancient history. There were still slaves in America even 150 years ago. When we learn about the mistakes that the early Americans made, it helps us to remember to treat human beings with respect, not like property. Also, how people and families view others are still influenced by issues caused by slavery.

Anonymous said...

Ok, first of all Sydney, I'VE BEEN SAYING THAT ABOUT THE PAST! That was all me! No disrespect, but I disagree with you. We learned a lot from slavery. If it hadn't have happened, we'd still be confused about "how no one person can own another".

Anonymous said...

I looked up some slavery quotes and I thought that this one was deep, "Life without the courage for death is slavery." I didn't quite understand it at first, but then it got me thinking. Those slaves were true hero's just for being able to make it through the day. Another quote I found was this one, "Better to starve free than to be a fat slave." Slaves wanted freedom deeper than we could ever immagine. We'll never truly be able to understand what they went through.

Anonymous said...

It is great to know the bad sides of early america so we don't repeat slavery. Without slavery, this country might not exist. But, it took away the rights of human beings. So, maybe they should have focused on cash crops that don't require so much work. Since slaves were so important to the economy, they should have been given more rights than "wake up, work to death, eat some beans, repeat".

Nataquack said...

I know this is a little late, but Sydney, I was being SARCASTIC about slavery being small. It made a HUMONGOUS impact on how we are living today. By the way Henry, I totally agree with you.

Anonymous said...

I think it is important that we what was good in the early americans and what was bad. If we didn't know about slavery then we might be repeating what happened. I'm not saying that slavery was a good thing but know we can learn from their mistakes. Also I think that the americans good be a little easier and nicer. For example they good have let the slaves choose for themselves if they wanted to leave. So the early americans good have been nicer but then again we did learn a few things.

Anonymous said...

also i think that maria is right that if slavery never happened then we might not have the place we live in today. We would still be confused about owning one another and that would be a disaster. So think about still having slavery. We might not be friend with some of our friends they might be working for us.

tayc said...

Good job Maria I liked your quote about slavery it really gets you thinking but once you get it, it makes perfect sence slaves were in kind of a way heroes they kind of suffered for us but they probably didn't think of it at the time if you know what I mean.

Unknown said...

Great comments and discussion.

Whatever side you come down on as to whether slavery was a necessary evil in building this nation, it is interesting to see how someone like Jefferson handled the issue. Jefferson was probably the most eloquent voice for freedom and liberty, yet he owned slaves until his death. You could certainly find other examples like this among our early leaders.

In his first draft of the Declaration of Independence he condemned the English crown saying that the crown "has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere."

Sounds like the words of an abolitionist (someone that felt slavery should be ended), but is in conflict with how he handled his own role in slavery as a slave holder. I sure some of these early leaders viewed slavery as the necessary evil, or at least something that could not be ended while trying to establish a new country.

Unknown said...

By the way, in Jefferson's comment on the English crown he is blaming it for promoting slavery in the colonies.

Michael H said...

I belive that slavery tought the U.S a very impotant lesson on how our economey should treat others. All though slavery was bad it helped us gain a understanding with our fello african americans. Without slavery we wouldnt have made peace with them and the U.S wouldnt be a lonly country.

Unknown said...

I think that slavery was necessary to the orignial developement of the country but should have been abolished quickly and painlessly around 1820 when the country was strong. keeping slavery till the 1860's was like haveing the TV on when you aren't watching it; you are useing a luxury you dosen't give you any gain.
Slavery was very cruel, probably the most cruel part of American history, and yet it helped us become who we are today... The most powerful country in the world, The United States of America.
As horible as it is and was slavery a necessary evil in the developement of our country. I agree with Maria 100% without slavery there would still be a USA, but just a whimpy USA.

Anonymous said...

I think that Maria was right when she said slaves wanted freedom more than we could ever imagine. I also think Henry was right when he was talking about repeating slvaery and that it is important that we learn about it.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Jefferson really had his heart in slavery. He had all of the right intentions, determination, and care for the situation. But, he was still a contributor to slavery.

Jared said...

Slavery. One of the worst choices America ever made. If I had a time machine, one of the things I'd do is go back in time and shoot the first guy who thought about it in the head. Making slavery part of humaniity just descraces us! Aliens from outer space wouldn't want to come to Earth, just because of slavery. Thats why Abraham Linclon was my favorite president. Because he was a brave soul who stood up for everyone. Slavery. A word that shouldn't even be spoklen today.

Anonymous said...

I could not ever imagine how horrible it would be to be a slave. Especially if you didn't know what was going on. Am I being kidnapped or murdered? Slavery did help the economy though,in a cruel way. Why would a human being think they have the right to own another human being, just for extra help. Like Natalie said, America should definitly be ashamed of this.

Austin said...

I don't mean to make excuses or contradicted myself but there was a whole lot of work to be done. Also there was also a bunch of people using slaves, so the peer pressure and the load of work to be done probley made the decision a little bit easier.

Nortory said...

I think that the coloniest had it real good they didn't have to work they made some1 else do it and they get all the benifets

Nortory said...

and austin even though they might have given in to peer preasure thats still no exuce

Nortory said...

even thought slavery is a big part of it what about segragation as a whole. Rosa Parks was arrested because she diidnt give up her seat. Thats so dumb she was already there! Its amazing (in a bad way)that they can do something like that!

Anonymous said...

Hey yall, this is Deanne from D Period, everyone knows that is the best period. DON'T HATE. but uuummm, I think that the whole slavery thing sucked! and Nortory, what does Rosa Parks have to do with anything?

Anonymous said...

It's not a quetsion whether slavery is good or bad. Th at question should probably not even exist. Its obvious. Who would think branding humans, whippiing them to death, and laboring them in hot sunny fields is a good thing?? The idea just blows my head off. Those sothern plantation owners probably died the way they killed their slaves.

Anonymous said...

I think slavery is a very important issue because it is a part of history and will remain a part of history forever. This was an unfortunate circumstance that people had to endure. I do not agree with slavery and understand why people could own another person and think less of them.

Michael said...

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