Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What does the cost of freedom? Who should pay?

After watching the film A Volunteer Army or the Draft?, you are hopefully thinking a little deeper about the issue. I tried to make the connection in class between military service and sacrifice. Certainly most would agree that those that volunteer to serve in our armed forces are making significant sacrifices. So to are their families.

If the coast of freedom must be paid by those willing to sacrifice - to pay the ultimate price - than what obligation does the rest of society have to pitch in and contribute to the cause of securing that freedom? Does citizenship in our country require - if not legally, than morally - some measure of sacrifice?

We talked about society's that have required military service as a condition of citizenship. Should the United States hold its citizens to a similar standard? What would be the advantages and disadvantages of compulsory military service? Think beyond personal advantages and disadvantages. Consider the impact on society as a whole - positive or negative.

Finally, what level of sacrifice would you be willing to endure? What price are you willing to pay to secure the standard of living enjoyed by most Americans?

Remember, keep comments relevant. Keep the debate civil. And, most importantly, have fun!!


Anonymous said...

I think that every one should have to pay to have some sort of freedom, but not just serving in wars. You could work for a company that makes tanks or guns or something like that and that would be helping your country.
People that serve in wars are working to keep the rest of the nation free. The cost of freedom should be willing to serve your country if you are needed. Some people decide to make it their job to make sure the rest of America is safe but that is thier decision. The nation needed an army to be ready to fight all the time and that is exactly what we have.
Everyone should have to sacrafice something. The who are risking their lives to keep other people safe, have to sacrifice. The choice they got was choosing to sign up for the army.

Anonymous said...

I totally think u are right sydney, im not even in this class and IM the second blogger

Kira Sullivan said...

uggggg okay i no this thing is gonna show up as my blogger account (check it out people!) but its kira

i agree with Sydney that everyone should pay to have some sort of Freedom and having to be in the military is not always the answer. Being a farmer is just as important because they supply the food for the army and nobody could live without food!!! Also i think that people should have a choice and being in the military and not forced because its like forcing someone to die. being a supplier for the army is just as important. But i also think that its kind of wrong that we can go around not worrying about the war because its not in the US.

Kira Sullivan said...

also i think that everyone should have something to sacrafice but it shouldnt always be a loved one or friend. being in the military should be by volunteer not force

Tay C. said...

Let me just make it clear right now that I support our troops 100% because our society would be a wreck right now if it wern't for them. I have ALOT of respect for those people because shoot I wouldn't want to be fighting there. I would be to scared!! Also even if you arn't in the war or working on equiptment for the war you could raise money for supplies, write encouraging letters, or send clothing or food to help out the troops. I do believe that our society needs to realize the tremendous sacrifice our troops are making for us and we need to appreciate it more.

Anonymous said...

Taylor is right we need to support the troops more because most of them didn't have to do it they volenteered so we didn't have to. People support them but no one really shows it. Without the troops people would have to be drafted and our society would be a wreck.
I have a question for Kira: it we don't sacrrifice loved ones or friends, who are we going to sacrifice? One more thing Kira people don't always have to war by force, thats why we have a draft. The only way I can imagine people getting drafted is if all our troops get bombed or shoot.

Unknown said...

I agree with Moira Sullatthews (JK Kira!)that everyonne should have to pay something but but what they are paying may be hidden in a regular job like farming. and even paynig Federal taxes is donateing to the war cause.

I do think that the best army is a voulentary (forgive my spelling) army. if you look at college camus, or any other viedos from the Vietnam War you will see why the draft is the worst thing in the world. granted it is nessary if there is not enough of an army to fight a war. in the end the draft will cause way more suffering than a voulentary army.

suffering is something that comes as a package deal with a draft everyone is affected unlike a voulentery army. the thing is that every one is effected in an indirect way. if taxes go up due to a war people stop spending money hurting the economy and therfore raiseing prices on goods and other services and affecting the consumer and makeing them suffer more.

thank you

and God bless our troop!

Unknown said...

God bless our troops!

Anonymous said...

Hey its emily(: hence the name lol. i think that the all men & women in the troops are the bravest people in this world. Knowing that you could be shot tomorrow, and never ever see your family again is a REALLY scary thought. I think just supporting troops is helping the society. I do not agree with a draft except in emergencys(: I think I would not be willing to go to Iraq. im just gonna tell the truth. I wouldn't. My brother in law is in the army, and is getting shipped off to Iraq in march, about 2 weeks after his first child will be born. So I feel really strong about supporting the troops. I think everyone should help though, even if it is hanging an american flag outside your front door. Or sending letters, or care packages to the soldiers over there.

Thanks, Will

God Bless the Troops!


Anonymous said...

I have a completly different view than every one. But i do agree with Kelly Annon most of the stuff she typed.

I personally think our government should change the way people come to join them. At the age of eighteen, all people should have to join the military. The people will then show up at a designated area/place so their mental and physical abilities can be evalutated. if they "fit the bill" they will have to join the military for at least two years. And for joining, they will be able to go to a college paid for by the military and they will recieve pay during the time they serve.

This also includes women. Just as it was mentioned in the video, women have the same rights as men so they should have the same responsibility. No ofense to any of the lady peeps that read this blog. The college thing would really help people that cant afford college to have tat oppurtunity.

I personally would not join the military unless my views change when i get older. But is freedom worth fighting for if ur country needs you? If we were in a tight spot in a war(s) i think i would then join.

I think this type of military recruiting would upset many people. But once this type becomes acustommed to us, it wont seem like such a big deel.

I definitly dont want to die, and i dont think ianybody in the whole world would want too. But i would be willing to be injured or take a bullet knowing that im helping my country.

And A period is slow. F period has 20 somethingposts already!

Kira Sullivan said...

i also agree with taylor. i would be freaked out in a war and would like run away or something even if i got punished for it. FREAKY!!!!! o and yes i do support our troops too. tay's right that we would be a mess without them!!!!!!! o and i also think its really cool that we have a holiday to honor all the war veterans (i have marched in the parade!!!!!)

Kira Sullivan said...

to answer tay's questions i said that we shouldnt always have to sacrafice a friend or a loved one. if in an emergency i bet you many people will volunteer because of what happened at 9/11. hopefully we will have many patriots who just want to volunteer and they will never have a draft again (or until after i turn 40!!!!!!) i know that i sound selfish saying that i dont want to give up my life for my country but can you imagine me in the army!!!!!! haha NO! but i promise everyone that i will grow food or donate supplies to the army (as soon as i pay off my debt)

Nortory said...

I agree totally wit everyone they should pay something for freedom wheteher it be working in the army or farming but freedom is a natral right doesn't that contradict this whole discussion no offence to anyone who belives something else but freedom is a natral right so wouldn't working for it not make it a born right!I belive both but... its kinda hypocritical

Anonymous said...

Emily is right supporting the troops is helping our society. I disagree with Justin on every one having to serve for 2 yearsn when you turn 18. What if you have a child you can't take them with you so their at least should be some exceptions. Justin you admited you wouldn't join the army so why should people be forced to if they don't want to.
No affence Kira they might not want you in the army cause of your laughing problem.
Tory freedom is a natural right but we have to do things to keep our freedom.

Nataquack said...

I think that freedom DEFINATELY has a cost. And, all citizens should eventually sacrifice something, even if its time, or effort, or something like volunteering to make military bundles for the soldiers in Iraq. You can even join the army if you really feel strong about it. I, for one, fell as if I could not be complete without doing something for our country, because after all, it is a free one. Anything you do for America contibutes to its freedom I think, and eveyone should try to do something in repayment for our freedom. Because without it, we could all be working on the farm speaking a different langage, or we might not even be here at all!

Anonymous said...

Emily is right we should support our troops. I also think Justin is right to that when your 18 you should have to fill out your information thingy and if you get a letter to serve you should. We all need to help our country in some way whether or not you fight or not. I think everybody should serve at sometime in your life. And yes i would be willing to serve my country and fight for the freedom. I don't think that the women should sit around and let the men fight. Women have the same rights and should also fight. The draft to me doesn't seem that bad. if you want to be a citizen than you shouldn't run away you should help fight. If you have family then yes you know how it feels but you should help our country.

God bless the troops

Tay C. said...

I was listning to a song on the radio I don't remember what it's called, but one line in the song really reminded me of this blog topic. It said

"For the stars and stripes
may freedom forever fly, let it ring.Salute the ones who died
The ones that give their lives so we don't have to sacrifice
all the things we love."

I thought that was interesting because thats exactly what we were talking about in class. Its also very true becasue they fight so we don't have to sacrifice and we ABSOLUTELY NEED TO APPRECIATE OUR TROOPS AND WORK HARD IN VOULENTEERING TO HELP!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Everyone's comment I strongly agree on that there's not much left to say.

I really, definitely do believe that we Americans should pay something back to our country. I mean think about it, WE HAVE FREEDOM and this country made it possible so that everyday we can think what we want to think, say what we want to say, and much more. Freedom is super imortant in a country and it's just common sense that we pay something back.

I believe that all civilized Americans should pay something. It could be anything. From donations to support our army to serving in the army. We need to sacrifice. Honestly, to recieve freedom, we have to pay something back. We are in debt to our country and our troops. It's only right if we show our thanks and pay something back

Anonymous said...

Every one seems to think that freedom should have some sort of cost but no one really agrees on what it is. I think that freedom should come with the cost of having to help you country when they need you.

Anonymous said...

hey everybody! I do think everyone has an opinion on freedom's costs. I do not agree with justin on the issue that you have to enroll when you turn eighteen. I think people should enroll if they want to. But, IF not enough people are signing up, then that rule would take place (having to sign up when you turn 18.)


Unknown said...

you don't have to worry about getting drafted kira ever because the draft is optional for girls!

Tay C. said...

nobody wants to comment on my last comment about the song??!!!!

Unknown said...

I agree with everyone.

I understand that most people wou'dn't like to be drafted but of course like everyone had said, everyone at least should pay for their freedom. Since we have a volunteer army thing, most people wouldn't want to be in the army becuase they wouldn't care about it if they knew they weren't going to be drafted. But then a lot of people would not want to go except volunteers. I always thought this thought to my self that everyone should risk something in thier life. If risking your life is to be in the army, this would be good for the country but also IF you make it or not, you would be known as a hero. Something I risk is going on roller coasters but once you get off, you'll have a good feeling in your self that you actully made it throught a big roller coaster. But a volunteer service would also be much better than being drafted because what if some one TOTALLY doesn't want to be drafted and they aren't phisically fit? Compare this person to a person who is willing to serve in the war and is ready for the war and is definitely fit for it! Who would be best for the job? If you chose the first person, that person would definitely fail the job...well for my opinion.

I'd still be terrified if I was going to be in the war and I'd still be very emotional if someone i knew was going to the war. Going to the war is a good thing but scary to me...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Crystal the people that go to war so that others don't have to should be should be heroes. We have a holiday to celebrate our veterans and not many of us know who to celebrate. We just need to stop and think about the people that are choosing to fight in the war so that the people that don't want to don't have to.

Austin said...

I don't think we should be required to serve in the army. I do think we should have to do something though even if it is as simple as giving money to the Military just to show they we are thinking about our troops and appreciate all they sacrifice and do to make it so we are safe.

Kira Sullivan said...

will are u saying that girls aren't good enough to be in the army so its optional. how rude :-( but on the other hand thats ok by me

Kira Sullivan said...

o and a really good war song or whatever you call it is the Angry American. listen to it

Anonymous said...

I'd like to start off by saying that, as Americans, we just don't care or think about those serving their time in the military. You probably do if your family is involved in the war, but without a connection to the war, people just don't care. Why don't we care about the people risking their lives so that we can have one? Why don't we care about those who are protecting our rights, knowing that they might die? A volunteer army has given us the right not to care, but we can learn to care.

The rest of society should pitch in. They shouldn't consider it or think about it, they HAVE to pitch in. That's the only way to show our troops that we care and that we are so blessed to have them. Citizens could donate money, send care packages, write to soldiers thanking them for their work, and list goes on. Families of troops write to them, call them, send them videos, anything they can to let them know they love them. Why can't we do the same? Is it too much to ask, that you sit down for a few minutes and write to a soldier that's risking their life for your's? Citizen in our country should require some measure of sacrifice. Our troops are sacrificing their lives for ours, so we should sacrifice some money or paper and ink.

However, I don't feel that military service should be required of citizens. A mandatory military service would lead to rebellion, chaos, and unhappy Americans. No one wants to be forced into war. Brothers, fathers, uncles, friends, if they were forced to join the war, wouldn't you get defensive and angry? But, an advantage of mandatory military service is compasion. Compassion for people being forced into war. Compassion for friends, neighbors and strangers. Compassion for a country being thrown into war. An entire country joining together for the compassion of others. In my opinion, that's what America is all about. This would be a deffinate positive for society. Everyone would settle their differences to protect what's right.

I'm going to admit, I wouldn't be willing to risk my life for somebody else. The thought of war, violence, guns, bombs, and a soldier dieing in pain sends a chill down my back. That just means that war isn't for me. One day I may feel I want to serve my country at war, but for now, I'm just a kid. I am willing to do whatever I can to let the troops know that I care.

I feel that we Americans live beautifuls lives. You may not feel that way, but I do. America is the country of freedom and diversity. We go through our lives not thinking of others, and how I wish so badly that would change. Our troops are protecting our freedom, our rights, our LIVES, while risking their own. So that's why I say, God bless America.

Anonymous said...

Like Sydney said in the first blog, I think that people should show citizenship by not necessarily having to fight in wars, but at least support the troops in some helpful way. They are out there fighting, risking their lives for us, to keep us safe. We need to give back for all they have done for us. We need to sacrifice.
I hope all Americans really appreciate what the troops do for us. I mean, if they had not volunteered, we could have been forced to join the military and fight, like some of the wars before our time. If people do not volunteer, we would have a lot less freedom.

Anonymous said...

Just to let everyone know that if a draft was instituted my daddy would already be on his way to war, he probably would be fighting right now.

Anonymous said...

I am ashamed to say it but I agree with Austin completely.

Anonymous said...

De is Delani :( sorry for the typo!!! oooopppss

Anonymous said...

Ok someone PLEASE have the guts to read my blog! It's pretty darn good (not to brag). Enjoy my blog please.

Anonymous said...

Michael Venci said....

We should be thankful for our troops and their sacrafices, but I think we should remain a voluntary military service. I think people should be able to choose if they want to serve, but everyone should pay in some way to help with the cost of what is needed.

Michael H said...

I belive that everyone living in the united states should do what is needed no matter the cost other people died for us so that we can live in a great community and now it would be our turn to do the same no matter the cost. I think that all people should do what is best for our country and not what they want everyone has to pitch in, in order to keep our country alive.

C Noble said...

I think that there should be a draft but not in the way of forcing someone. Because if one is forced to do something they are more likely to be more rebellious. I think that the government should look at people's files and find out who would be good in the army and meet with them and inspire them to go to war.

Anonymous said...

I think if the USA is in dire emergency ill go in the Army because there is a list of things you care about....
1. Your Family
2. Your Faith (religion)
3. YOUR COUNRTY!!!!!<--
4. Friends
5. School
6. Sports or othe avtivities
7. other individual things

(do not yell at me if i forgot one big thing on my list please!!!!!)

So if my country is in a big emergency i will take arms and go to war for the safety of the Americans. But if that never happens in my life time i will still be aware of whats going on and give money to help the USA.

Tay C. said...
