I hope you all enjoyed the lesson on eminent domain. I think you all learned quite a bit, and hopefully you've already gone home and shared with your families what you've learned about this important issue. I hope that understand that anyone can be affected by this government "tool." Now I want you to sound off – I want to know what you think. Here's a little something to get you started:
"This is America. This is a country with free enterprise. You have all the rights to own your property, your own home, your own business. You have the right to build your American dream."
"The use of eminent domain is a delicate tool, but it is a tool and it helps keep a community clean; it helps keep a community vibrant. It's a good tool and, definitely, I don't think it should be taken away."
These are quotes by two of the people interviewed in the film Unintended Consequences: Eminent Domain. Use them to get your thoughts rolling. Does eminent domain have a role to play in our communities? What should government do to protect private property rights? What can we do as citizens to ensure that these rights are protected? I don't expect you to answer the questions directly (but you may as part of your thought process). These questions are intended to help you think about the issue.
This will be an open forum, which means your comments should post immediately. Do not copy the thoughts of those that post before you, but you can certainly work off of them. That means that you can comment on a comment – you can disagree, agree, or just comment on the thoughts of someone else – but give me your ideas.
Here are few links:
An interesting story from CBS News
Your comments must be posted by the of Sunday, December 13 (midnight).
You know eminent domain used to be just something that i rarely heard of so when i heard how the government was using it. It kinda makes u mad to think of how they use it to take the property of certain owners and sometimes give it to something that really doesnt do anything except bring in more tax income. I mean i could understand if they were building a school or a hospital or widening a road but taking away a resturant from a person that has owned it for over 50 thats just not right and especially just to turn around and sell it to a neiboring mercedes dealership thats kinda of like saying 'hey we have this power and we can do any thing with it and u cant stop us'. So to me eminent domain is a necessary tool but should be used more wisely than it is. M&M domain ;)
I agree with Brannon, I think eminent domain should only be used for serious cases like building helpful things for your cummunity.But if you destroy a few houses to make a Walmart shopping center while theres another one a few blocks from that one and then another one not even a mile from those to wouldn't that be unfair for all those people that have been living in those houses all their lives, that had to be destroyed that would be infuriating.So I also agree that eminent domain is a necessary tool that sould be used for the right reasons.
I agree with Brannon on this, it's a necessary tool but it should be used more wisely. If you take something away from somebodyand then give it to someone else in a way that's stealing. And the way I've herd it you don't take what doesn't belong to you. It can be a good thing and a bad thing. You can use it for a school or something like that but I don't think it should be used for anything else like tax income.
well i dont know yes eminent domain is good but i dont agree with them kicking out 90 year old people or using it for private proprety because some people that own a house there house is there dream home and they dont want to give it up and some people just dont have a lot of money and there house is not worth alot so that isnt fair even with our econamy its like kicking someone that has a house out of it to go live on the street..
I also agree with allison on it, it's like kicking someone out of their home and sending them to the street. It could also be like giving money away. What I mean by that is if you buy a house for 180 thousand and then they say it's worth 160 thousand that's 20 THOUSAND dollars down the drain. And I don't think it should be use for anything but schools and maybe roads.
Good start.
Eminent domain is kind of cruel because it say your allowed to own your private property and then the government can take it away from you and you say no they can use Eminent Domain on you. But if they paid me good money for my property and the property went to a good use like schools,churches,anything that is good use. But if they didn't do anything with my property I would try to take my case all the way up to the supreme court like on that program we watched
Yeah I kinda agree with what everyone is saying about eminent domain. What I think personally it should be used for is reasonable stuff like hospitals, schools, police and fire stations, and roads. But not for like stores like Walmart's because we already have enough of those stores around the country. What I think is crazy about eminent domain is how somebody can have a home but then the next day they are losing it to eminent domain, and that's the part i just don't get.
This is my first time hearing stuff about eminent domain. I didnt think it was bad until i heard the stories about it. I think can be a good and bad tool. Because if you have a walmart store down the street, like some said and the government decides they want to take peoples houses to build stores for tax income, that is very stupid and imature of the government. Because some people have worked hard to keep there houses and the government decides they want it for a crazy reason. The reason its a good tool in some cases is for schools, hospitals, fire stations,ect. But NOT for widning roads. You shouldnt take and knock someones house down for that reason. The government needs to rethink about eminent domain. Because the reasons why they take peoples stuff for crazy things like expandind a dealer ship parking lot arent good reasons to knock peoples house down.
i think that eminent domain is a good thing but like brannon sayed i think its being used way to much and for the totally wrong thing. i think that the government should only be able to use it for schools, hospitals, etc. So eminent domain is a good thing but now a days its being abused. They should start checking up on how much they use this power.
Ya i agree with Brannon on his opinion on eminent domain b/c it should be used to take area that is not being used to take it for public use, but if it is a restaurant, home, than they shouldnt take it. But if it is land not being used it should be used for schools, hospitals, roads,etc. They dont need so many walmarts or publix or shopping centers when there are others close in the same location.
I think eminent domain should only be used for the important things only for example things that help your community and the environment.I mean how would you feel if your house got taken away the day before Christmas,just to make another Walmart,that would really suck.I think eminent domain should be for iportant things only.
I think eminent domain should only be used for schools, hospitals and other things. I don't think it is fear that the government can just use eminent domain for parking lots and roads just so they can bring in more taxes for the government.and another reasons I think eminent domain should only be used for schools, hospitals and police departments because when you are able to just take away people home away from them it not fear because some people have been living in there homes for a long time and when you can just take away there memories from them it is not right.
i see what you all are saying but even when you use eminent domain on building a one for one million are preaty good odds
I agree with everyone because its rude i thought eminent domain was a good tool until the stories. I think taking peoples houses and businesses is wrong because you do have the right to own property, own a house, and own a business. If they used eminent domain as the tool is supposed to be used it wouldn't be that big of deal but they want to use it for car dealerships and factories but as it says it should be used for schools, hospitals, and roads, etc. The people that actually move out because of eminent domain think if it was used for those things they wouldn't care because they're going to make something good for the community.
good point but think about the basic things like you live in a house if you own it its like its your tarritory and no one can do anything to it then eminent domain comes around and takes it all its like saying your house is worth 5 dallors when your house could be woth a million it has to be what you feel but really i dont personally like it not even for schools but you know i have to think i go to school and it was probably made by eminent domain and i guess i should just be thankful after all
just think what dose your house mean to you?do you want to be kicked out?well do you?it has to be a personal feeling that eminent domain is to you so just think about it and i understand braysons point of veiw too
emenent domain is good and bad at the same time because if their using it for projects to help the city by building schools than it be okay but for people to have to give away there property for something like extending a parking lot that would be wrong so I agree with Brannon
Good post, I always like them
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